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Articles that I was reading recently

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Streaming HTML Out of Order Without JavaScript

Explore the power of web components by learning how to stream HTML out of order, without relying on JavaScript. Find out how to create dynamic web content efficiently.

Rating: 9

Added: 2024-03-17T15:48:25.39+00:00

The Linear Look: Constructing and Designing Modern Landing Pages

Explore the intricacies of constructing and designing modern landing pages, with a detailed breakdown of the linear look. Discover tips and tricks for creating a sleek and functional user experience.

Rating: 9

Added: 2024-03-07T22:22:31.543+00:00

PGlite: Postgres in WebAssembly

PGlite is a groundbreaking project that enables running Postgres in WebAssembly, allowing it to be used inside a browser or Node environment. Check out the repository on GitHub for more details.

Rating: 9

Added: 2024-03-07T22:15:24.891+00:00

Directus: An Alternative to PostgREST and Supabase

Explore Directus, a powerful open-source data management system that provides an alternative to PostgREST and Supabase for handling SQL databases with ease. Learn how Directus utilizes GraphQL to simplify database operations within your Node applications.

Rating: 7

Added: 2024-02-21T12:26:00.519+00:00

Your Own Vector Search in 5 Minutes with SQLite, OpenAI Embeddings, and Node.js

Learn how to implement your own vector search using SQLite and OpenAI embeddings in just 5 minutes with Node.js. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up a search engine for your data.

Rating: 8

Added: 2024-02-21T12:22:56.486+00:00

The Psychology of Website Speed

Explore the correlation between website speed and user psychology. Learn how slow loading times impact user experience, attention, and overall satisfaction. Discover practical tips on improving website performance to create a positive impression and retain users.

Rating: 5

Added: 2024-02-16T12:01:23.615+00:00

How to Control SEO Snippets with HTML Attribute

Learn how to use the data-nosnippet attribute in HTML to control the search engine snippet displayed for your website. By including this attribute in your HTML code, you can provide specific instructions to search engines about which parts of your website should be included or excluded in the search results snippet. This can help improve the visibility and relevance of your website in search engine results pages. Keep reading to understand how to implement this HTML attribute and optimize your SEO snippets effectively.

Rating: 8

Added: 2024-02-11T10:32:59.422+00:00

Wasp: A Rails-Like Framework for React

Discover Wasp, a powerful new web development framework that brings the simplicity and productivity of Ruby on Rails to the world of React. Wasp combines the ease of use of Rails with the flexibility and performance of React, providing developers with a seamless experience for building web applications. With its intuitive syntax and powerful features, Wasp empowers developers to create complex web projects with ease. Explore the possibilities of Wasp and streamline your React development workflow today!

Rating: 7

Added: 2024-02-09T20:36:46.008+00:00

Typespec: Generating Documentation with TypeScript

Typespec is a unique tool that leverages the power of TypeScript to describe data and automatically generate documentation. By using TypeScript annotations to define the structure of objects and their properties, developers can easily keep their API and data models in sync with relevant documentation. This innovative approach streamlines the documentation process and ensures accuracy and consistency. Typespec provides an intuitive solution for creating comprehensive API documentation while reducing the risk of inconsistencies and errors. Discover how Typespec can revolutionize your documentation workflow today!

Rating: 9

Added: 2024-02-09T20:34:22.569+00:00

The State of Benchmarking in Node.js

In this article, we explore the current state of benchmarking in Node.js and provide great tips and utilities to ensure accessible and accurate performance results. Learn how to effectively measure and improve the performance of your Node.js applications.

Rating: 10

Added: 2024-01-28T19:38:14.754+00:00

Using Regex in JavaScript: A Powerful Tool for String Manipulation

Regex, short for regular expression, is an invaluable tool for web developers when it comes to string manipulation and pattern matching. In this blog post, we explore how to use regex in JavaScript to search, replace, and validate strings with ease. We also introduce a fantastic online tool, Subiregex, which helps you write and test regular expressions effortlessly. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, regex can make your life easier when dealing with complex string operations. Check out our article to learn more about harnessing the power of regex in JavaScript!

Rating: 8

Added: 2024-01-13T17:33:20.241+00:00

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